Why You Should Visit New Zealand to See the Oddball Blue Duck

Why You Should Visit New Zealand to See the Oddball Blue Duck

Are you ready to embark on a journey to witness the rare and fascinating blue ducks in the wild?

Forget the stunning landscapes and rich Maori culture – seeing a New Zealand native blue duck should be at the top of your wishlist. Not only are these ducks unique and fascinating creatures, but they also serve as indicators of the overall health of the environment. Dan Steele, owner of Blue Duck Station, has dedicated his time and effort to protect these endangered ducks and their habitats, making his farm and ecotourism venture a must-visit destination.

Why You Should Visit New Zealand to See the Oddball Blue Duck

The New Zealand blue duck, also known as whio, is a unique and rare species that can only be found in the fast-flowing rivers of New Zealand, particularly those surrounded by pristine bushland. These ducks are not only visually striking, with their pouty lips and umbrella-like webbed feet, but they also play a crucial role in indicating the health of the entire ecosystem. Dan Steele, the owner of Blue Duck Station, recognizes the importance of these ducks and has dedicated his time and resources to protect them and their habitats.

At Blue Duck Station, there are currently 15 pairs of blue ducks, making it a significant stronghold for this endangered species. Steele’s efforts to improve their habitats include installing over 600 predator traps and regenerating native bushland on the property, making it a safe haven for these unique ducks to thrive. By looking after the blue ducks, Steele believes that the entire ecosystem benefits, including waterways, kiwi birds, native bats, and other avian species.

Visitors to Blue Duck Station can take part in a range of activities that allow them to immerse themselves in the stunning natural surroundings. From bush safaris to horseriding, kayaking, mountain biking, and jet boat tours to the iconic Bridge to Nowhere, there is something for everyone. Accommodation options at Blue Duck Station cater to various preferences, ranging from rustic chic lodges to luxurious cabins. Whether you’re seeking a cozy and comfortable stay or a unique, fine-dining experience at the Chef’s Table restaurant on top of the highest peak, Blue Duck Station offers it all.

In addition to providing an unforgettable experience for visitors, Blue Duck Station actively supports conservation efforts through tourism. Steele believes that by engaging tourists in the protection of the blue ducks and other wildlife, he can create a sustainable future where future generations can still witness the beauty of these unique creatures in the wild.

Why You Should Visit New Zealand to See the Oddball Blue Duck

  • The New Zealand blue duck, also known as whio, is a distinctive and rare species found only in fast-flowing rivers surrounded by pristine bushland.
  • Blue Duck Station is considered a significant stronghold for the blue ducks, with 15 pairs of the remaining 2000 to 3000 individuals found on its rivers.
  • The farm is actively involved in conservation efforts by installing predator traps and creating a safe environment for the blue ducks to nest and thrive.
  • Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities at Blue Duck Station, including bush safaris, horseriding, kayaking, mountain biking, and jet boat tours to the Bridge to Nowhere.
  • Accommodation options at Blue Duck Station range from rustic chic lodges to luxury cabins, offering a comfortable and immersive experience in nature.

Why You Should Visit New Zealand to See the Oddball Blue Duck

If you’re planning a trip to New Zealand, make sure to include a visit to Blue Duck Station. Not only will you have the chance to see the oddball blue ducks up close, but you’ll also contribute to their conservation efforts. From thrilling outdoor activities to comfortable accommodation options, Blue Duck Station has something for everyone. Experience the magic of the New Zealand wilderness and be a part of preserving its unique biodiversity.

By Paul Hughes

Paul Hughes is an accomplished travel journalist known for his captivating stories and insightful exploration of destinations worldwide. With a deep love for travel and a curiosity for different cultures, Paul has embarked on countless adventures, immersing himself in diverse landscapes and communities. His wanderlust led him to pursue a career in travel journalism, where he skillfully captures the essence of each place he visits.